Sunday, June 14, 2015

Who is Aphrodite, anyway?

Aphrodite - deTraci regulators; authorized

Aphrodite looks out of a window on the island of Milos, where he met the "Venus de Milo" deTraci regulators. authorized

Who is Aphrodite, anyway? Here is a brief introduction to the Greek goddess of love.

Story: The Greek goddess Aphrodite rose from the foam of the waves, charming and provoke whom feelings of love and lust looks wherever she goes. It is a competitor in the history of the golden apples, when Paris chose it as the most beautiful of three goddesses (the others were Hera and Athena) and Aphrodite decides to "reward" him to the Golden Apple (prototype recent awards give) that the love of Helen of Troy, something like a double-edged sword, to give out to the Trojan War.

Appearance Aphrodite: Aphrodite is a beautiful eternally young, perfect woman with a beautiful body.

Aphrodite symbol or attribute: belt, a belt decorated, the magical powers to love must to force.

Strengths: strong sexual attraction, the breathtaking beauty.

Weaknesses: A bit stuck on himself, but with a face and a perfect body who blame him?

The parents of Aphrodite: A genealogy are parents of Zeus, king of the gods, and Dione, a goddess / mother early Earth. More generally, he was born of the sea foam splashing thought about cutting element Kronos Uranus when they killed.

Birthplace of Aphrodite Rising from the foam on the islands of Cyprus and Kythera. The Greek island of Milos, where he met the famous Venus de Milo, is also associated with it in this day and age, and the pictures of her are in the island. When originally discovered, spread his arms, but still close - that have been lost or stolen.

Aprhodite of Husband: Hephaestus, the lame blacksmith god. But she was not very loyal to him. It is also associated with Ares, god of war.

Children: Son of Aphrodite is Eros, which is both a figure of the god-like Cupid and an important start.

Sacred plants: myrtle, a type of tree leaves with fragrant spicy. Wildrose.

Some of the major attractions of the temple of Aphrodite Kythira, an island visited; Cyprus.

Interesting Facts About Aphrodite: Cyprus has many places that were of Aphrodite would be enjoyed if you have on earth. Recently, the Cypriots does have a friendly Version tourists revived some of the festivals of Aphrodite in Paphos.

In 2010, even more powerful image Aphrodite hit the news, as the island of Cyprus issued a new passport photograph almost naked Aphrodite in him; some members of the government were outraged that this so formally and worried that could result in conservative Muslim country problems for travelers.

Aphrodite is also trying in the news recently as a supporter, an ancient site of a temple of Aphrodite in Thessaloniki to save that are opened by the developers.

Some argue that there is plenty of Aphrodite and the various titles of the goddess were the remains of a stranger "Aphrodite" - like deities, but essentially different, that were popular in local areas and better known as the goddess took power, gradually lost their individual identity and the many Aphodites become one. Many ancient cultures had a "goddess of love" for Greece was unique in this regard.

Other names Aphrodite: Sometimes written your name Afrodite or Afroditi. In Roman mythology, she is known as Venus.

Aphrodite in the literature: Aphrodite was a popular subject for writers and poets. She also appears in the story of Cupid and Psyche, where, as the mother of Cupid, which makes life difficult for his wife, psyche, until at last the true love conquers all.

There is also a touch of Aphrodite in "Wonder Woman" of pop culture - the truth convincing magic tie is not so different from magic belt giving love Aphrodite, and physical perfection of Aphrodite is also similar, although the Greek goddess Artemis also influences the history of Wonder Woman.

Now you know more about Apollo, the Greek god of light

Faster data about Greek gods and goddesses:

The 12 Olympians - Greek Gods and Goddesses - gods and goddesses - Attractions Temple - Titans - Aphrodite - Apollo - Ares - Artemis - Atalanta - Athena - Searchers - Cyclops - Demeter Dionysos - eros - Gaia - Hades - Helios - Hephaestus - Hera - Hercules - Hermes - Kronos - Medusa - Nike - Pan Pandora - Pegasus - Persephone - Rea - Selene - Zeus.

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